network IDS at scale
easily manage distributed IDS probes
through dispersed traffic sources
an Open Source project to Visualize and Manage Suricata, Zeek & Arkime life cycles
Flexible, scalable, no vendor lock-in and no license cost. Join us on Slack
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OwlH was born to help security engineers to manage, analyze and respond to network threats and anomalies using Open Source Network IDS Suricata and Zeek, offering:
Centralized Rule management and Network IDS nodes Configuration Management
Software TAP to capture cloud and distributed traffic in cloud and hybrid dispersed environments
Traffic Forensics with Moloch
Centralized Visualization
Compliance Mapping
How to manage multiple probes
When you have multiple probes, multiple sites, multiple security levels, or do you manage multiple companies, there are different ways to manage your Network IDS probes
Define each probe as an stand-alone system
Manage probes configuration individually
Create groups of nodes
share rulesets and services configurations between nodes in a same group
Use REST API to manage and configure your probes,
No user Interface, just your app and our API
OwlH Components
Networ IDS solutions
On-premises - Virtualized - Cloud
Software TAP (STAP) Modes
Traffic Dispatcher
Threat Intelligence enrichment
Traffic Analysis
Central Management
Multiple Nodes
Single point of management
Traffic Forensics with Moloch
Traffic Dispatcher
Threat Intelligence enrichment
Traffic Analysis
Nodes Management
Manage & Monitor
Open Rules - Ruleset management
Rulesets based on thirdparty providers
Custom Rulesets
Auto update rulesets
Collect & distribute traffic
Analyze and Enrich
Manage & Visualize
React and Document
Open Rules
Keep your Suricata network IDS probes updated
Define multiple rulesets, and apply all them to a single probe or to a group of probes.
Keep all them updated and synchronized
Create and manage your threat detection toolset
Ruleset based on 3rd party providers
=> Integrate/import your favorite public or comercial ruleset feeds.
=> Define your scheduled tasks to automatically update them.
Your Custom Rulesets
=> Clone 3rd party rules and customize them.
=> Create and/or import your own custom single rules or custom rules files.
=> Edit, Enable, Disable, your Rules from the User Interface
Software TAP
Software TAP helps to collect Traffic from windows and linux servers when there is no a port mirror or span port option.
Useful for Cloud and virtualized environments and for remote and small locations.
Choose your Software TAP mode:
Software TAP PULL mode
Your traffic is stored locally in your server and OwlH will collect it
Software TAP REALTIME mode
Your server will forward traffic in realtime to the OwlH Node component
Easy deployment
& Easy to keep updated
Just tell us what should be on your instance and we will take care of it.
OwlH Installer will download and install needed packets and will install and update them to the latest version
OwlH Installer
Define your appliance
individual components: OwlH Node, OwlH Master, OwlH UI
OR OwlH all-in-one (node, master and ui)
just define what should be in the appliance and Installer will prepare it
Keep OwlH stuff up-to-date
Define it as scheduled task and installer will keep your OwlH solution updated to latest version
Install a CentOS 7 based system
Download OwlH Installer
Run installer
Enjoy experience
# wget
# bash
Point your browser https://your.owlh.ip,
PLEASE - Check your firewall configuration (doc)
OwlH deployment samples
Software TAP RealTime configuration for cloud and/or remote small locations or isolated servers [ doc ]
OwlH custom configurations
There are many other ways to configure OwlH components to meet your traffic analysis, forensics and network IDS management needs.
Few samples are:
Traffic forwarding and Forensics analysis with Moloch.
Collect your traffic, analyze it and forward it to a central console to be able to forensics your traffic with Moloch.
Cloud based PCAP analysis.
you don't need to have your Network IDS locally. Just upload your PCAP to your OwlH Cloud environment and see results in your Wazuh SaaS
Network IDS management
Suricata and Zeek support
Centralized Management
Ruleset and Policies Management
Network Interface, Kernel and NIDS Fine Tuning
Traffic Capture:
Security Alerts.
Traffic and Protocol Analysis,
Anomalies Detection
Integration with ELK and other 3rd party Storage/Visualization Solutions
Are you a Wazuh user?
OwlH is now a Wazuh Partner
PCI-DSS mapping for Network IDS Alerts

NIDS rules and PCI-DSS v.3.2.1 Mapping
see impacted PCI controls
Rules to environment and PCI control customization